Earned Sick Time

As a result of the ruling from the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, resulting from implementation of the Massachusetts Earned Sick Time Law, 免除支付联邦保险贡献法案(FICA)税的学生可以免除累积和使用病假. During the academic year, most BC students are exempt from paying FICA, so they are exempt from earning and using earned sick time.

However, during the summer, most BC students do pay FICA tax; therefore they are able to accrue, use, 并将带薪病假延续到下一个暑假的学生就业期.

International students may be exempt from FICA, 在这种情况下,他们将没有资格在夏季获得病假, 就像大多数学生在学年期间没有资格获得FICA豁免一样. However, they can check their pay stubs as to whether they pay FICA, or they can contact the Human Resources Service Center for assistance.

More detailed information about EST including Questions and Answers, as well as a public notice about this law, can be found below.
