How Aid Works

电子游戏软件仍然坚持只根据学生的申请实力来录取学生. Students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, who are not in default on a Federal student loan and who demonstrate financial need, will be assisted in meeting that need through different financial aid funds. 一个家庭的实际经济需求是指学费与预期家庭贡献之间的差额.

Cost of Attendance

出席费用(COA)提供了参加电子游戏软件相关费用的估计. 在创建出勤成本时,主要使用两类成本:直接成本和间接成本.

Direct (Billed) Costs

The cost of attendance includes costs that will appear on your bill—tuition, housing, food (if required) and fees. For students living off campus, your direct costs will include tuition and fees. When trying to determine financial responsibilities to Boston College each year, the direct costs are what will appear on your billing statement.

Your first bill for the academic year will likely include a charge for health insurance. 马萨诸塞州的法律要求每一个全日制和非全日制的学生都必须获得证书, 授予文凭或学位的高等教育项目必须参加学校的学生健康计划或具有类似覆盖范围的健康福利计划. 有类似保险范围的学生可以在特定的截止日期前放弃电子游戏软件的健康计划. 有关BC健康保险计划的更多信息以及放弃保险的指示和截止日期,请访问 The cost for the BC medical insurance for the 24–25 year is TBD.

Direct Costs for Entering Students*

Cost TypeTotal
Housing and Food$17,930

*归国学生的直接费用将根据房间分配和是否需要膳食计划而有所不同. Costs for returning students are listed here.

**Fees are charged in the first semester. All other costs are divided across two semesters.

Indirect (Non-billed) Costs

The cost of attendance also includes costs that will not appear on your bill. 这类项目包括书本费、旅费和杂项/个人费用的估计数. For students that live off campus, an estimate for your housing and food costs will be included in your COA, and are considered indirect costs because you will not be billed by BC for those costs.

Boston College Indirect Costs

Cost TypeTotal for 24–25
Books and Supplies$1,250
Misc./Personal Expenses$2,000
TravelVaries ($100–1,300)
Loan Fees*$49

*Loan fees will also be added when a family receives a federal parent or graduate PLUS loan.

你的学费将与你的账单不符,因为它包含了电子游戏软件不收取的间接费用. 学生必须提前计划,并准备支付书本费和/或校外生活费用,直到资金被支付.

Constructing Financial Aid Awards

In order to create financial aid awards, we utilize your full cost of attendance. Listed below are the figures used when evaluating your financial aid eligibility.

Cost TypeIncoming On Campus (Meal Plan Required Dorm)Continuing On Campus (Meal Plan Required Dorm)Continuing On Campus (Kitchen Facility Dorm)Off-Campus StudentCommuter Student
Food and Housing (Living Expenses)**$18,916$19,706$19,549$15,658$2,841
TravelVaries ($100–1,300)Varies ($100–1,300)Varies ($100–1,300)Varies ($100–1,300)Varies ($100–1,300)

*Incoming students are charged a one-time $666 Orientation fee and $50 student ID fee. 

**For 23–24, 联邦政府电子游戏正规平台了规定,要求学院和大学将每天三餐的费用计入出勤费用. 你的生活费用总额将不符合任何要求的膳食计划的收费金额. 这种差异是有意的,以确保你的经济援助费用出席符合联邦法规.

总出勤费用不包括差旅费,因学生而异. Students can view their specific cost of attendance online through their financial aid portal.

Please note: Student budgets can vary depending upon on- or off-campus residency. 如果学生的住房状况发生变化,学生必须以书面形式通知学生服务办公室.

Cost of Attendance Glossary

To help understand the items included in Boston College’s cost of attendance, we have defined each element:


Boston College is committed to providing information in a manner that is accessible to all. If you are in need of a printed copy of the material presented on this web page, please contact the Office of Student Services.

Family Contribution

Boston College does not meet the expected family contribution determined by the FAFSA. 我们满足100%的需求,这是基于我们对您的机构预期家庭贡献的确定.

Expected Parental Contribution

Federal Methodology includes factors such as:

  • Income (prior-prior tax year)
  • Assets (excluding home equity, family-owned small business/farm equity)
  • Family size
  • Number of dependent children enrolled in college or graduate school

Institutional Methodology includes factors such as:

  • Income (prior-prior tax year)
  • Assets (including home equity, all business/farm equity)
  • Family size
  • Number of dependent children who are full-time undergraduates*
  • If parents are separated, divorced, or were never married, financial information for both biological parents is reviewed

*Boston College does not include graduate siblings in the number in college. 电子游戏软件每年秋季学期通过兄弟姐妹电子游戏软件验证流程验证兄弟姐妹电子游戏软件.

Expected Student Contribution

Federal Methodology includes factors such as:

  • Income (prior-prior tax year)
  • Assets
  • Family size (if student is considered independent)
  • Number in college (if student is considered independent)

Institutional Methodology includes factors such as:

  • Income (prior-prior tax year) or minimum contribution*
  • Assets
  • Family size (if student is considered independent)
  • Number in college (if student is considered independent)

*机构预期家庭贡献的学生收入部分是基于每个学生将在暑期工作以投资自己的教育的预期. Minimum standard income contributions for the academic year are $2,400 for incoming students and $2,500 for returning students. 如果学生在上一个纳税年度的收入高于最低标准供款, 然后,确定的学生贡献将基于他们实际收入的百分比.

Borrowing at Boston College


Percent of students who borrowed a federal student loan


Average total federal loan amount borrowed by students

Class of 2023


Approximate federal loan monthly payment over a ten-year period