We offer flexible and rigorous interdisciplinary undergraduate programs in the 莫里西文理学院, helping students develop keen analytical and ethical reasoning skills amid complex global dynamics.



学生 must apply and be accepted into the IS Program in order to become an IS major. 该专业有五个组成部分:选修核心课程, 选择浓度, 学习一门语言, 出国留学, 完成一篇高级研讨会或论文.


All undergraduate students are invited to declare an 国际电子游戏正规平台 minor. There is no application to be an IS minor; you need only submit a course plan that includes two foundation courses and four electives.


50 +国家

IS students choose from study abroad opportunities in 50 +国家.


Our majors have won 58+富布赖特奖 since 2000, taking them across the world to study or teach.



国际电子游戏正规平台 faculty are trained in many disciplines and teach in eight different departments. Approved courses for the IS major are offered across all of BC’s schools.


我们的毕业生在包括外交在内的各个领域工作, 国际业务, 社会服务, 公共政策, 金融, law, 咨询, 教育, 公共卫生, 人道主义工作.


Our majors earn post-graduate fellowships at four times the rate of other BC grads. More than half of our graduates work or study abroad at some point in their careers.


Browse pre-approved course lists, course plans, and the core requirements for IS majors.




主要s and minors in the IS Program select one of the following four concentrations, 或跟踪, to help them focus their interests:

Cooperation and Conflict
This concentration considers fundamental theoretical and empirical questions about the study of cooperation and conflict in international affairs, 包括战争的起因, 革命, and 恐怖主义; the consequences of international and domestic actors’ attempts at reconciliation; the role of arms control, 情报, 国际机构, 全球治理, and grand strategy; and sources of state and individual security and insecurity. 每场战争都是独一无二的, 每一次和平都不一样, and students will have ample opportunity to study historic and contemporary cases from around the world. 同时, 学生将接近战争, 和平, and security as general social phenomena and examine shared features and dynamics across cases and theoretical perspectives.

Ethics and Social Justice
This concentration considers 宗教 and secular ethical frameworks for international affairs, as well as areas of international politics that reveal specific ethical issue, 包括主权, 恐怖主义, 调解, 人权, 经济正义, 以及在战争或人道主义干预中使用武力. 学生 will also explore the role of religion and motivations of social justice in the interaction between state and non-state actors.

全球 文化s
This concentration considers two dimensions of culture-making and community in a globally connected world. 在“工作中的文化”集群中, 学生考查专业的文化生产, engaging with critical inquiry into culture as both a complex meaning-making activity and as commodities central to the global economy. 在“文化与社会运动”组, students examine how communities and movements form by cultivating and deploying shared social, 文化, 宗教, 政治, 经济资源. 全球 文化s concentrators may elect to complete a 1-credit elective internship either in the creation of a 文化 product or in grassroots mobilization and other participatory approaches to issues of global importance and 文化 representation.

Political Economy and Development Studies
This concentration considers the interplay between politics and economics in determining interactions among states, 市场, 和社会, 无论是在发达国家还是在发展中国家. 学生将获得对经济的理解, 政治, and moral stakes in international 公共政策 issues and develop the ability to analyze policy choices. A central focus of the concentration is improvement in human well‐being, 特别是, 虽然不完全如此, in the context of developing countries including those in Africa, Asia, 太平洋和拉丁美洲.



Yes! 国际电子游戏正规平台 majors and minors are strongly encouraged to spend at least a semester abroad, but BC offers study abroad programs ranging from one week to an entire academic year. Nearly 90% of our majors study abroad for a summer or semester. 

出国留学 Information for IS



In short, AP credits can be used to demonstrate language proficiency and can offer exemptions from a specific course that counts for our major, but AP credits will not reduce the number of courses needed to fulfill the core or elective requirments—they simply allow students to take a higher-level course in its place.

For example:

To test out of our core 经济学 requirement (Principles of 经济学, ECON1101), students must have earned an AP score of 4 or 5 on BOTH the Micro Principles AP exam and the Macro Principles AP exam. 学生 testing out of ECON 1101 in this manner are still required to complete the IS core Economic requirement by taking two 经济学 courses at the 2000-level or above.

学生 with AP scores of 4 or 5 in only one of those two courses (Principles of Microeconomics or Principles of Macroeconomics) are required to complete ECON 1101 and a 2000-level 经济学 course, like all majors.
If you have any questions about AP credits and the IS major or minor, contact Prof. Hiroshi Nakazato, Director of 本科 Studies.

联系 Professor Hiroshi Nakazato



Enrollment in the major is by competitive application, submitted in early February of freshman year. Transfer students who enter BC in their sophomore year may apply during the summer.

主要 电子游戏软件



Enrollment in the IS minor is open to all students who file a course plan, which outlines how they will meet the minor's requirements, before the end of the Drop/Add period in October of their junior year. We also welcome declarations of the IS minor in freshman or sophomore year. We encourage prospective IS minors to read about the minor requirements and visit with a Peer Advisor or faculty advisor to help the craft their course plan. When completed, the course plan should be submitted to Ms. Patricia Joyce in Gasson 104.

小 Requirements



The IS major requires a total of 45 credits in 13 approved courses, plus certification of language proficiency. Nearly 90% of our students also study abroad. The curricular components of the IS major include:

  • The 是主要的 Core (24 credits earned in 6 courses)
  • An elective concentration (18 credits earned in 6 courses)
  • Language proficiency (Advanced proficiency in one modern language or intermediate proficiency in two modern languages. The language requirement is co-curriculuar: language classes do not count as courses in the IS major, though the proficiency they foster is a requirement.)
  • Study abroad (学生 can transfer up to 2 classes or 8 credits from abroad in one semester, or 12 credits across a full year, usually toward their elective track.)
  • Senior seminar or senior thesis (3-credit senior seminar or 6-credit senior thesis—in which 3 credits could apply to an elective concentration)

是主要的 Components



The 是次要的 requires six courses: two foundation courses, then four electives chosen from among four concentrations: Conflict and Cooperation; Ethics and Socail Justice; 全球 文化s; or Political Economy and Development Studies. 

是次要的 Components



Increased investment from the University has allowed the IS Program to expand to its current maximum of 105 students per year. 在六年的时间里, the number of students accepted has risen from 88 students in the class of 2016 to 95 in the class of 2019, 到2022届的105人. At present that corresponds to a major cohort of about 280 students in total (across three class years).



Yes. Both IS majors and IS minors have a language proficiency requirement, but they differ:

All IS majors, regardless of their school (MCAS, CSOM, LSOE, CSON), must demonstrate advanced proficiency in one modern foreign language or intermediate proficiency in two modern foreign languages by the time of their graduation. Advanced proficiency will be met by taking at least two courses beyond the intermediate level of a modern foreign language. 

All IS minors, regardless of school (MCAS, CSOM, LSOE, CSON), must demonstrate intermediate-level proficiency in one modern foreign language. 

是主要的 Language Requirements

是次要的 Language Requirements



Locate forms for course substitutions, withdrawals, pre-approvals, internships, and more on the Student 服务s site. 

Student 服务s Site


公元前:学校/ mca /网站/ isp /常见问题/ search-tags / academic-forms

In addition to the academic advising conducted by our faculty advisors, program staff, and Peer Advisors, we encourage students to take advantage of the many campus resources listed here related to academic support; mental health; physical health/disability; gender and sexuality; mindfulness and spiritual counseling/communities; and support groups. 

Campus 资源 for 学生



Review the list of approved Fall 2024 courses or a complete list of all approved courses offered in any semester.

Fall 2024 课程

Complete List of 课程


公元前:学校/ mca /网站/ isp /常见问题/ search-tags / -approved-courses

News & 笔记


AY 2023–24


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