All undergraduate students are invited to declare an 国际电子游戏正规平台 minor. There is no application to be an IS minor (unlike the major); you need only submit a course plan as noted below. 


  • IS minors take two foundation courses (labeled Foundation 3 and Foundation 4, 以区别于专业的基础1和基础2课程)以及四个专业方向之一的四门选修课, for a total of 18 credits (15 of which must be unique to the IS minor).  学生可能需要使用新的数字课程替代表,以确保您批准的选修课程计入您的学术审计/成绩单的辅修课程. 

  • 除英语外,未成年人必须具备一门现代语言的中级熟练程度(即使他们就读于BC省学校), 例如CSOM, 不需要), and they are encouraged to study abroad.

  • 申报未成年人, students must downolad and fill out the IS 辅修课程计划, 保存到你的电脑上, 并通过电子邮件发送给. 帕特丽夏·乔伊斯(帕特丽夏, Assistant Director of Interdisciplinary Programs. Please develop your course plan in consultation with IS Program Peer Advisors, IS教职员工, or the Director of 本科 Studies. 

  • 没有正式的截止日期, but we encourage you to declare your minor as soon as you think you'd like to pursure it, 这样你就可以利用许多IS项目的活动/事件,并结识其他IS的未成年人和专业人士. 


The IS minor is open to all BC undergraduates who submit an acceptable course of study, ideally by October of their junior year, 删除/添加的最后一天之前.

小s must earn 18 credits from six courses (including two foundations courses and four electives in one of four concentrations); they must demonstrate intermediate proficiency in one modern foreign language (even if their home school at BC doesn’t require it); and they usually study abroad. 请注意,卡罗尔管理学院不再为学生提供自己的国际电子游戏正规平台辅修课程, but CSOM freshmen are welcome to apply to the IS Program minor in the Morrrissey College.

To declare your IS minor, download and fill out the IS 辅修课程计划, and submit it to Ms. Patricia Joyce(电邮:帕特丽夏 



IS minors must choose one of the following approved Foundation 3 courses:

  • 全球ization (INTL 3510 /POLI 3510)
    Note: This is NOT the 历史 core sequence(s) with the same name.
  • 世界政治(INTL 2546)
  • Introduction to International Politics (POLI 1081)
    Note: This course is only for POLI majors; it may be a double-count for IS minor purposes only. It cannot be taken by IS minors with other majors (e.g., a HIST major/IS minor may not take POLI 1081).


Foundation 4 courses for minors are specific to each concentration.


“IS minors focus their interests in one of four interdisciplinary concentrations, 他们将学习一门基础课程(标记为“基础3”或F3)和四门经批准的课程列表中的选修课.


所有完成IS辅修课程的学生必须按照莫里西学院的要求,证明自己具有中等水平的现代外语能力, even if you are a student outside the 莫大学.

Intermediate proficiency can be demonstrated in several ways:

  1. 成功完成第二学期现代外语中级课程(成绩及格).

  2. Earning the following minimum scores on an AP language exam or SAT Subject Test:
    Chinese (AP4/SAT650)                       French (AP3/SAT550)
    German (AP4/SAT600)                       Italian (AP3/SAT550)
    Japanese (AP4/SAT650)                     Korean (AP4/SAT650)
    Modern Hebrew (AP4/SAT650)            Spanish (AP3/550)

  3. Demonstrating intermediate proficiency to a faculty member in one of BC’s language departments. (That faculty member must certify a student's intermediate language proficiency in an email to Ms. 帕特丽夏·乔伊斯]在IS项目办公室.)

注意:语言课程,以任何方式计算在你的主要或次要语言能力要求必须采取的成绩,不能取及格/不及格. (Such courses taken pass/fail through Spring 2020 will be honored.)

Note: Language instruction courses beyond Intermediate II, 比如CCR, may not be used as IS electives; but subject courses taught in a foreign language may be used as electives where applicable, 如果得到DUS/Director的批准.

Also note: Effective after the end of the spring 2020 semester, 语言课程,以任何方式计算在你的主要或次要语言能力要求必须采取的成绩,不能取及格/不及格. Pass/Fail arrangements with faculty made before summer 2020 will be honored. 

If your situation is not covered by the above rules, please contact 教授. Hiroshi基本上, Director of 本科 Studies in the IS Program.  


IS minors are encouraged, but not required, to study abroad for a semester, summer term, or year. Those who do not—either because they are international students at BC, 或者经济方面, 个人, or athletic reasons—can take advantage of other opportunities to engage with international students, 运用他们的语言技能, and meet people and groups from around the world (through the 全球参与门户网站 or 全球对话,例如).



How do I apply to be an IS major?

Enrollment in the major is by competitive application, submitted in mid-February of freshman year. Transfer students who enter BC in their sophomore year may apply during the summer before they enter BC.

主要的 电子游戏软件

How do I apply to be an IS major?


Enrollment in the IS minor is open to all students who file a course plan, which outlines how they will meet the minor's requirements, before the end of the Drop/Add period in October of their junior year. We also welcome declarations of the IS minor in freshman or sophomore year. We encourage prospective IS minors to read about the minor requirements and visit with a Peer Advisor or faculty advisor to help the craft their course plan. When completed, the course plan should be submitted to Ms. Patricia Joyce in Gasson 104.

小 Requirements


How many people are accepted into the major?

Increased investment from the University has allowed the IS Program to expand to its current maximum of 105 students per year. 在六年的时间里, 被录取的学生人数从2016届的88人增加到2019届的95人, 到2022届的105人. At present that corresponds to a major cohort of about 280 students in total (across three class years).

How many people are accepted into the major?

Is there a language proficiency requirement?

Yes. Both IS majors and IS minors have a language proficiency requirement, but they differ:

All IS majors, regardless of their school (MCAS, CSOM, LSOE, CSON), must demonstrate advanced proficiency in one modern foreign language or intermediate proficiency in two modern foreign languages by the time of their graduation. Advanced proficiency will be met by taking at least two courses beyond the intermediate level of a modern foreign language. 

All IS minors, regardless of school (MCAS, CSOM, LSOE, CSON), must demonstrate intermediate-level proficiency in one modern foreign language. 

IS 主要的 语言要求s

IS 小 语言要求s

Is there a language proficiency requirement?
