

This investigation concerns instantaneous speed, one of the fundamental concepts of kinematics. We will examine a one-dimensional system in which a moving object (a cart) is constrained to move along a straight line (a track). 其目的有两个:

  1. To gain understanding of the distinction between the vector quantity (velocity) and the scalar quantity (speed).
  2. To discover the method of graphical extrapolation to establish the value of an experimental quantity that cannot be measured directly.


该装置由装有低摩擦球轴承的车轮推车组成. The cart is constrained to move along grooves in an aluminum track that can be raised to various angles. Along the track there are two photogates that detect the cart when it passes by. 米尺和数字天平也包括在内.


这个实验是对摩擦的基本探索, 静态和动态都有, 在物体和平面之间. 主要目标是:

  1. To investigate how the friction force depends on various properties of the surfaces, 比如它们的平滑度, area, 和倾向, 以及滑动物体的重量.
  2. 了解静摩擦和动摩擦的区别, 以及相关摩擦系数之间的区别.


The equipment for this experiment consists of a PASCO “Discover Friction” set, which includes four trays with three different surfaces on the underside: cork, 感觉, 和塑料. A second identical plastic tray will allow you to explore the effect of varying the surface area. 还包括PASCO轨道, 各种各样的酒吧, 力传感器, 饼干平底锅, 还有滑石粉.



  1. 以旋转形式电子游戏正规平台牛顿第二定律.
  2. To elucidate the analogies between quantities in translational motion and quantities in rotational motion
    ( 𝑚 → I , 𝑥 → 𝜃, 𝐹 → 𝜏 ) and to use these analogies to develop expressions for angular quantities such as rotational kinetic energy.
  3. To illustrate the dependence of the moment of inertia on the shape of the object as well as on the choice of the axis of rotation.


The equipment for this experiment consists of a PASCO rotational base and several different shapes that can be attached to it (a disk, 一枚戒指, 铝制平台, 和一对块状物体). 这些形状的质量(和相关误差)如下所示. A mass set and pulley provide the torque, and a photogate connected to the DataStudio 接口记录系统的运动. A ruler and calipers are also available to measure the appropriate dimensions of the system.


你将被要求构造几个简单的电路, use an ammeter and a voltmeter to measure current through and voltage across various circuit elements, 并将你的结果与理论预测进行比较. 有三个主要目标:

  1. 学习如何构建和分析, 理论和实验, 包括电阻器和灯泡的简单电路.
  2. To gain an understanding of the basic properties of ammeters and voltmeters, 并学习如何在现有电路中连接它们以及如何使用它们.
  3. To experimentally verify Kirchhoff's Rules and discover their usefulness for predicting the behavior of electrical circuits.


这个实验的设备包括一个稳压电源, 两个手持式万用表, 标有“电流表”和“电压表”,相应地使用, 七根不同长度和颜色的电线, 以及由两个电阻器和一个灯组成的电路板.


在这个实验中, you will directly observe and measure the force with which two current-carrying parallel wires act on one another. 目的分为三个层次:

  1. 实验验证两个反平行电流相互排斥.
  2. To gain an appreciation of the magnitude of this force as a function of current and separation, 特别是与作用在同一根电线上的重力相比.
  3. 通过实验验证安培定律.


A PASCO advanced current balance with a torsion wire and an angular dial scale is the principal apparatus. 这仪器装有平衡梁, 一个阻尼叶片和一个无视差位置指示器. 当前的天平是一种极其微妙和精确的仪器.

辅助设备包括一组小质量, 一个指南针, 大电流电源(0-18V), 0-20A), 还有一把尺子.


The apparatus of this experiment is versatile and is suitable for a comprehensive investigation of the motion of a magnetic dipole in a magnetic field. 特别是, the instrument can be used to demonstrate the physical principles behind Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), 现代医学的重要诊断工具之一. 在这个介绍性实验中,我们的目标比较温和. 我们的目标是:

  1. 阐明磁转矩的性质.
  2. Investigate some of the possible motions of a particle subject only to magnetic and gravitational torques (under nearly frictionless conditions).
  3. Verify quantitatively the theoretical prediction concerning the magnitude of the magnetic torque in a static as well as dynamic case, 观察磁顶的岁差.


The principle device to be used is the magnetic torque apparatus, M1-A by TeachSpin. It consists of a pair of Helmholtz coils with a brass air bearing in the center, 一种带有植入磁盘和手柄的主球, 带有各种开关和仪表的电源, 有钢头的铝棒, 滑动质量. 亥姆霍兹线圈将提供外部磁场. The air bearing allows the cue ball to rotate in a nearly frictionless manner. A digital balance, a ruler, a pair of calipers, and a stopwatch will also be provided.


所有在平衡位置附近的振荡系统都表现为SHO, that is their motion is arbitrarily close to harmonic oscillations for sufficiently small amplitudes (deflections). Thus SHO behavior can be studied in many systems in addition to the “classic” spring-and-mass arrangement (which is the subject of W1). 从实验的角度来看, 也因为它的众多应用, 扭“摆”是一种特别方便的SHO装置. 用最简单的说法, 谁会在这里工作, it consists of a wire or fiber (under some tension) suspended from above and possibly also from below, 有一个对称的质量(称为转子)附着在它上面.


来自TeachSpin的完整扭转振荡器装置. The device consists of a rotor suspended by a vertical steel string under tension, which can twist. The system allows for three kinds of damping: constant (using mechanical friction), 与角速度成正比(使用涡流), and proportional to angular speed square (using air-drag) – the second of these will be used in the main part of this experiment. 外部压力可以使用一对亥姆霍兹线圈来提供, 绳子上还有一块永久的(钕)磁铁.


Every object radiates electromagnetic waves due to the vibration of atoms near its surface (these vibrations, 还有辐射, 只会在绝对零度停止). Solids and liquids emit radiation in a certain range of frequencies dependent on the temperature and the character of the emitting surface. 它们也吸收同一频率范围内的辐射. A blackbody is an object that completely absorbs electromagnetic radiation at all frequencies. 这样的物体也是一个完美的发射器.


帕斯科热辐射系统, 包括莱斯利方块, high temperature radiation source (Stefan-Boltzmann lamp) and radiation sensor. Note that the sensor measures power but for a given emitter its reading is proportional to the intensity. Also provided are a low-voltage power supply (20 V, 5 A) and a digital multi-meter.