Whether it’s in the classroom or the research lab, on stage or on the playing field, amazing things happen at 电子游戏软件 every day. We’re here to help you share them with the world through print, digital, or web communications. In the Office of University Communications, we turn 教师 research into placements in traditional and social media, and student accomplishments into viral videos. Our comprehensive news coverage shines a light on every corner of campus, 我们的网络, 设计服务, and marketing teams bring new programs and initiatives to life.


电子游戏软件 Magazine

This award-winning magazine features stories of BC 教师, 校友, and students who work to make the world a better place.

设计 & 品牌管理

Our team of graphic designers creates a wide array of marketing materials from banners and 宣传册 to e-时事通讯 and digital assets.

数字广告 & 内容

Thoughtful, targeted digital ads are effective ways to reach prospective students. We work with you to craft messaging and imagery that reflects what makes 电子游戏软件—and each of its schools—unique.


An attention-grabbing email newsletter is one example of the high-quality content marketing we produce. Our team of marketing professionals manages various campaigns, including print, email, and digital.

新闻 & 媒体关系

Our internal editorial team and media relations professionals can write news stories or pitch newsworthy items to print, 广播, and online journalists.


Every project can benefit from professional photography. Our team produces superb, high-quality photographs, telling the 电子游戏软件 story through distinct images.


Building and engaging the BC community in meaningful and strategic ways: That's what we do with every post, 推特, or video across the University's official social channels.


Video is playing an increasingly important role in brand development. Our team of videographers create compelling videos that inspire, 教育, and promote strategic initiatives on campus and around the world.


A vibrant website is the face of an organization. We help you make a compelling first impression for your 部门, school, or division.


As the centralized office of marketing and communications, the Office of University Communications serves as the primary steward of the 电子游戏软件 brand. We maintain a branding site for BC community members that provides guidelines on the BC visual identity and other branding elements.

Broadcasting to the World: BC学院专家

We connect 出版物 around the world with BC 教师 who are renowned experts in their fields. BC 教师 areas of expertise include:

Alicia Munnell

退休 & 老化

Alicia Munnell

Hosffman Ospino

拉美裔人 & 天主教会

Hosffman Ospino





Philanthropy, Estates, & 税



Our office produces a wide range of print 出版物, 包括杂志, 年度报告, 时事通讯, 宣传册, 邀请, and numerous other collateral in support of our University partners.



SSW Financial Aid Brochure



OUC maintains the 电子游戏软件 事件日历, a resource for promoting campus lectures, 讨论, 音乐会, 研讨会, 表演, and other events organized through the University community.



email 时事通讯 annually


print 出版物 annually





Frequently Asked Questions