Stained glass: man looking through telescope

职业 & Manresa房子

你对你的未来或神可能呼召你的地方有疑问吗? Manresa房子的存在是为了帮助电子游戏软件社区的成员解决一些生活中比较困难的问题,特别是那些与职业有关的问题.


The Manresa房子 offers a space of Jesuit hospitality to students. Come by for our Weekly Examen on Wednesdays at 9:45 p.m.和校园里的学生们一起进行这个有着百年历史的依纳爵祈祷. 花15分钟反思你的一周,你的一天,以及上帝在你生命中的存在.

(617) 552-3475

Paths to Priesthood





几个世纪以来,女性和男性加入的其他宗教团体有:奥古斯丁会, 道明会, (胶卷暗盒方济会士, TOR, 和O.加尔默罗会,本笃会,圣母会,救赎会,圣保罗会,圣. 约瑟夫. 这些网站和许多其他的男女订单都可以在以下网站找到.

“职业”是一个包罗万象的词,可以在许多不同的上下文中使用, 但是最常用于描述某人的职业抱负或生活方向.

电子游戏软件的耶稣会天主教传统根植于这样一种观念:上帝总是在召唤我们做更多的事情, something different, 对我们来说是真实的,对上帝创造我们是真实的. 而所有的基督徒都被召唤去实践他们受洗的命令去做门徒, 一小群人则肩负着更深层次的呼召,为基督和教会服务. This can take many forms, particularly to the priesthood, religious life for women and men, and lay ecclesial ministry.


Here at Manresa房子, 我们关心的是帮助学生思考和辨别他们认为上帝可能会带领他们的地方. So, wherever you are on the journey, know that we are here as a resource.

耶稣会——更广为人知的名字是耶稣会士——是由圣. 依纳爵·罗耀拉,西班牙军人出身的神秘主义者,致力于寻找“万物中的上帝”.”

耶稣会 are active around the world, 它是17,000名成员(遍布六大洲和124个国家)使其成为天主教会最大的宗教团体. 耶稣会士在堂区和隐修部、高中和大学工作. They may be found working as lawyers and doctors, psychologists and counselors, writers and journalists, theologians and philosophers, researchers and scientists. In short, Jesuits do all kinds of work. 然而,, even with this great array of voices and gifts, 耶稣会的神父和弟兄们都有一个共同的使命:让世界变得更美好. 以这种方式, 耶稣会士一生的工作都是为了上帝更大的荣耀和灵魂的救赎.

Are you interested in learning more about 耶稣会? 访问, stop by the Manresa房子, or contact us at to schedule some time with a Jesuit on campus!


美国杂志 is the leading 天主教 journal of opinion in the United States. First published in 1909, 《美国》杂志以其独特的观点和分析而闻名于天主教世界. From 神学 and spirituality to politics, international relations, 艺术与文学, and the economy and social justice, America’s coverage spans the globe, telling the stories that matter most to the church and the world.


被光环 是一种独特的媒体资源,利用相关和可访问的声音来帮助人们了解天主教信仰, put it into practice in their everyday lives, and share it with others. 被光环 is a ministry of The Paulist Fathers. 保罗教父是罗马天主教牧师的一个宗教秩序-第一个由美国公民创建的-其传教领土是美国.


TJP is a project of Jesuits in formation. 几乎所有的投稿人都是尚未被任命为学习神学或哲学的耶稣会士, or working in our Jesuit ministries. Several recently ordained Jesuits also contribute to the work. On the whole, about 50 Jesuits are currently involved in the project. In addition to the website, TJP maintains a very active social media presence, 为网络上关于信仰和文化的最佳对话做出贡献——无论它是否涉及政治, 神学, 教堂的新闻, debates about belief and secularity, or really anything else.

Have 电子游戏软件 students gone on to become Jesuits?

绝对! 事实上,在过去的20年里,至少有10名校友加入了耶稣会. Many say the charism, 社区, and traditions of BC helped support their vocation to the priesthood. Learn more about their journeys by reading Paths to the Priesthood.

What's the difference between a Jesuit and a Diocesan priest?

很好的问题. 耶稣会士是一个宗教传教秩序(耶稣会)的成员,而教区牧师是一个特定教区的成员.g. the Archdiocese of Boston). Both are priests who live out their work in different ways. 了解更多 三分钟的视频 from our friends at the Jesuit Post.

What are the stages of formation in becoming a Jesuit?

A man is usually welcomed into the Society in August, 电子游戏软件日, 成为耶稣会的牧师或弟兄需要8到13年的时间.

A Jesuit’s formation begins in the novitiate, where he spends two years learning how to pray, how to live in 社区, and about the Society of Jesus. 见习生也做使徒工作,并参加圣. 伊格内修斯洛约拉. Essentially, in the novitiate, a man learns how to be a Jesuit. 在两年结束的时候,他宣布了贫穷、贞洁和服从的永久誓言.

After professing First Vows, 耶稣会士以修士或学者的身份从事学术工作(准备成为牧师的人)。. He studies philosophy at a Jesuit university (including our own School of Theology and 部), usually for three years. Additional ministerial work further deepens his Jesuit identity. 一些学者和兄弟们的任务是完成他们的学士学位, while others work on advanced degrees in philosophy or other subjects.

Philosophy studies help ground a Jesuit in his critical thinking. Studying the ancient, 中世纪的, 现代哲学家帮助耶稣会士理解他周围的世界,并向上帝的子民阐明做人的意义, and what it means to be 天主教.

然后, 在摄政, a Jesuit brother or scholastic works full-time in a Jesuit ministry, living in an apostolic 社区 of Jesuits, usually for three years. Often teaching at a Jesuit high school or university, 摄政王学会平衡全职使徒工作与祈祷和社区生活的生活.

After completing regency, 耶稣会的经院学者(准备接受牧师任命的人)在电子游戏正规平台生阶段学习神学, usually for three years. 耶稣会的弟兄可能会花较短的时间学习神学,以提高他事工的效率.

During 神学 studies, 修道士在完成神学电子游戏正规平台后被任命为执事, he is ordained to the priesthood, 这标志着他大约十年的学习和准备工作的结束,并使他能够作为耶稣会牧师的第一次任务. After a Jesuit brother finishes 神学 studies he enters ministry, or he might go on to earn another advanced degree.

Tertianship is a time of renewal. 耶稣会士重温耶稣会的基础文件和历史,并再次进行30天灵修练习——在某种意义上重申了他的使命.

The formation process ends with the pronunciation of final vows.

Information adapted from and the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States.

Who can I talk to about becoming a Jesuit?

We’ll get you in touch with a Jesuit who can talk with you about the Society; simply e-mail us at or come by the Manresa房子 to learn more! 在不列颠哥伦比亚省有很多耶稣会士很乐意和你坐在一起谈论他们自己的洞察力.

How can I learn about the 罗耀拉的房子?

有兴趣继续辨别加入耶稣会的人可以考虑住在 罗耀拉的房子, a residential program for students. Interested students can e-mail Fr. 凯西·博米耶,南卡罗来纳州.J., University Vice President, at 凯西

Explore Other 宗教团体

几个世纪以来,女性和男性加入的其他宗教团体有:奥古斯丁会, 道明会, (胶卷暗盒方济会士, TOR, 和O.加尔默罗会,本笃会,圣母会,救赎会,圣保罗会,圣. 约瑟夫. 这些网站和许多其他的男女订单都可以在以下网站找到.