Welcome to BC! 


Welcome to the Heights


Current students and faculty explain what they love about BC and why you should choose life on the Heights.

As a Jesuit, 天主教大学,也是文科的佼佼者, we view formative education as being central to our mission of educating students who will use their gifts in the service of others.

Boston College is a place of belonging; a place where home is not just a location, but a way of living.

电子游戏软件,你会被问到:“什么带给你快乐?? What are you good at? And who does the world need you to be?"


There are many people on the Heights  who create a foundation of support and happiness in to enhance students' lives.


BC学生谈论他们作为AHANA(非洲学生协会)成员的经历, Hispanic, Asian, 和印第安人)在山庄的社区.

Campus Tour

Join our student tour guides and visit Boston College virtually to learn about the buildings, history, and campus community on the Heights.

这是电子游戏软件在科学领域3亿美元战略投资的核心, 245 Beacon Street, officially opened in January 2022. 

电子游戏软件的玛格特·康奈尔娱乐中心是244,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art, 四层结构的学生使用各种活动. 

Residential Life

住在电子游戏软件校园包括有意义的住宿生活体验, access to the city of Boston, and a vibrant campus community.

电子游戏软件的玛格特·康奈尔娱乐中心是244,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art, 四层结构的学生使用各种活动. 

一年级学生住在牛顿或上校区的传统风格的房间里, 这两个地方都提供了许多资源,让BC有家的感觉.

Boston College Dorm Tours

电子游戏软件的学生提供了一个快速参观校园宿舍的机会, 从传统的双人房到公寓式住房.


The Carroll School of Management offers a transformative academic experience that integrates the study of management with the liberal arts, 鼓励学生探索CSOM以外的专业和辅修专业, 同时也邀请其他学校的学生学习它的课程.

Anchored by a human-centered, 包容性方法和设计思维方法, BC大学的工程学以全球视野为支撑, ethical underpinnings, 以及解决现实世界挑战的独特顶点项目.

不列颠哥伦比亚省处于科学电子游戏正规平台和创新的前沿, while also prioritizing a formative liberal arts education as the foundation for R1 Research acumen. 

加贝利总统学者项目是一个本科学术项目, 每年颁发全额学费奖学金和全额资助奖学金, 为18名即将电子游戏软件的新生提供gsp赞助的暑期项目.

The Core Curriculum allows students to acquire a common intellectual foundation as they experience an intensive grounding in the defining works of the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences, 以及世界历史和文化概论.

比肯街245号是一个全新的,15万平方英尺. 位于电子游戏软件校园中心的最先进的科学设施.

Student Life

The Division of Student Affairs is home to 15 affiliated departments that provide a rich array of co-curricular programs and services that promote student learning, health and wellness, leadership development, and community engagement.

了解许多签名体验, events, 以及山庄特有的传统!


The Boston College Marching Band was invited to perform at halftime of a New England Patriots football game on September 17, 2023, at Gillette Stadium. 

The Common Tones of Boston College were founded as the only a cappella group on campus that focuses on giving back.

ALC Showdown is BC's largest annual student dance competition with the goal of promoting diversity and cultural awareness through dance.

The BC Career Center empowers students from all academic disciplines to incorporate their career goals into a broader sense of living a life of meaning and impact. 

Ashley Waldron '26, 他主修工程,是不列颠哥伦比亚省男子曲棍球队的学生设备经理, combined her passion of hockey with her engineering knowledge to design and create a new device called SaucerPost, which is now being used by the Eagles to practice their stickhandling and puck-passing skills.

Boston College lacrosse captured the first national championship in program history in May 2021.

Danny Gillis, 他在2013年被称为“BC小提琴小子”, was a fan favorite at Boston College men's hockey games whenever he would air-fiddle to “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” on the video board during the second intermission. His lifelong dream of attending BC as a student has now come true, as he joins the Class of 2028.

BC棒球队在芬威公园举办了一年一度的ALS意识比赛. 老鹰队是为了纪念皮特·弗雷茨07年的比赛,他是ALS冰桶挑战赛的冠军.

Danny Gillis, 他在2013年被称为“BC小提琴小子”, was a fan favorite at Boston College men's hockey games whenever he would air-fiddle to “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” on the video board during the second intermission. His lifelong dream of attending BC as a student has now come true, as he joins the Class of 2028.



One of BC's proudest traditions is the annual Red Bandanna 5k, hosted by the Volunteer & 服务学习中心,纪念99年911英雄威尔斯·雷米·克劳瑟.

In January 2024, Arrupe International Encounter students traveled to Johannesburg with the Center for Global Education and Experience to learn about a faith that does justice in the South African context. 


St. 伊格那丢认为考试是一个人能做的最重要的祈祷. 每个学期,校园事工都要求我们以依纳爵的反思来回顾.

The Mass of the Holy Spirit – a centuries-old Jesuit tradition – brings the Boston College community together to ask for God's blessing at the start of the new school year.

Local artist Ken Packie was commissioned to carve an ailing tree’s nearly six-foot-wide base into a three-dimensional portrayal of the Holy Family, celebrating BC’s Jesuit Catholic heritage and recognizing the historical significance of the Brighton Campus.

Schools & Colleges

莫里西艺术与科学学院院长Gregory Kalscheur, S.J.他解释了学校的使命和吸引学生的原因.


康奈尔护理学院院长凯瑟琳. Gregory explains how BC students are uniquely positioned as nurses as a result of a liberal arts and a scientifically rigorous nursing education.

The Woods College provides flexible, academically rigorous, ethics-focused undergraduate, graduate, 并为广泛的学生提供证书课程.

Dean Stanton Wortham explains how the Lynch School pursues the goal of  improving the human condition through education and applied psychology through excellence and ethics in teaching, research, and service.

BC Students

The Heights is home to more than 1,700 international students from 55 different countries. 

Connell School of Nursing student Esther Udoakang '25 explains how her studies and extracurricular activities help to prepare her to make a difference in the world.

Julia Spagnola ’23, 校园志愿者,UGBC副主席, 作为校园波士顿马拉松队的一员参加了波士顿马拉松比赛.

Fran Hodgens '24, who is studying Accounting for Finance and Consulting and Business Analytics in the Carroll School of Management, shares his story as a BC student.

Teresa Knestout '24, who is studying Elementary Education and Applied Psychology in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, 分享了她作为电子游戏软件学生的故事.

Jarvis Goosby '24 is a politcal science major discusses his experience with the core curriculum and his favorite BC traditions.

Day in the Life Vlogs

电子游戏软件的学生向我们展示了他们生活中典型的一天, including academics, housing, activities, and more.

Seasons at BC

Students take advantage of the sunshine, warmer weather, 以及春天来到高地的户外活动. 

看看山庄的秋季学期, including study, 精神和变幻的季节的辉煌.


BC Alumni

Welles Crowther '99 became known as the "Man in the Red Bandanna" for the handkerchief he wore as a protective mask while saving lives in the World Trade Center's South Tower before it collapsed during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. 电子游戏软件以他的遗产为荣.

Hannah Terrile '22, who studied communication and marketing, shares how her experiences at BC helped prepare her succeed as a social media assistant with the New York Mets.

21岁的珊·里兹万(Shan Rizwan)来到高地时还没有决定主修什么专业, 但用相机和麦克风发现他真正的激情. His YouTube Channel has more than 91,他记录了自己的日常生活, travels, 现在他的全职角色是内容创作者.

BC Social Highlights

When Boston College students, faculty, staff, and alumni come together on the Heights, 我们不禁要庆祝这种毫无疑问的“不列颠之情”."

Welcoming the newest class to the Heights is a longstanding BC tradition and this invitation is sure to delight Harry Potter fans.

This student-produced video was inspired by the C21 Center's "Espresso Your Faith Week," to serve as an invitation to Shake Off our burdens and choose to foster "Agape: unconditional love that seeks nothing in return" in the lives of others.