Marcel Uwineza, S.J. (摄影:Lee Pellegrini)


Marcel Uwineza, S.J., a 电子游戏软件 graduate and survivor of the genocide in Rwanda, is dedicated to creating a generation of peace-builders in Africa

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda, a human rights atrocity 这使得 approximately one million Tutsi dead over the course of about 100 days.

Marcel Uwineza, a Jesuit priest and 电子游戏软件 graduate, was a young teen in Rwanda in 1994. He was beaten and his home and all his family’s belongings were burned. 他的两个兄弟,一个姐姐和一个阿姨被杀. 他的母亲遭到殴打,后来伤重不治. Fr. Uwineza and his three younger siblings were saved when a Hutu man hid them on his property.

Fr. Uwineza “illustrates the profound and enduring dynamics between the goodness and mercy of God on one hand, and the proclivity of sinful human nature to rebel against the divine call to 'Love God and neighbor' on the other” in his memoir, 浴火重生: Theology as Autobiography in Post-Genocide Rwanda. He reviews the history that led to the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi and recounts the painful experience of being a witness to the genocide. He also writes of his journey to the priesthood and the liberating power of forgiveness—specifically, 那一刻他原谅了杀害他兄弟姐妹的凶手.

Fr. Uwineza had returned to his village to pray at the burial site of his family. The man who killed his siblings had been released from jail and approached Fr. Uwineza, who was frightened and didn’t know what this man wanted from him. 然后,这个人跪下来请求原谅. Fr. Uwineza raised the man up, embraced him, and said, “I forgive you.”

浴火重生 还详细说明了如何. Uwineza has been using what he calls his “extra time” to be “a living bridge between the wounded in Rwanda and those who did the wounding.” He said: “I want to be a messenger of reconciliation and a way for people to reach God.”

2019年,当他还是不列颠哥伦比亚省的博士候选人时,他 spoke to the United Nations General Assembly on the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda. 他提供了强有力的个人证词,并原谅了美国.N. and the international community for abandoning Rwanda in its time of need.

Fr. Uwineza 在卢旺达共同组织了一次会议 召集了一个国际主教团体, 神学家, and multidisciplinary researchers to explore restoring fundamental peace and rebuilding lasting reconciliation as a Catholic Church in post-genocide Rwanda.

在会议上,Fr. Uwineza gave a talk titled “Reimagining Humanity: A Theology that Makes Sense of the Wounds of History,” where he compared the dry bones seen in the memorials in Rwanda to the country’s enduring scars, 他强调了记忆在神学上的重要性.

Fr. Uwineza is co-editor of an important scholarly volume drawn from that conference, titled Reinventing Theology in Post-Genocide Rwanda: Challenges and Hopes (乔治敦大学出版社,2023). It is considered the first comprehensive examination of the Catholic Church’s role in the genocide against the Tutsi and its attempts at reconciliation. 电子游戏软件 contributors to the publication include the late Dean Thomas D. Stegman,年代.J.,以及名誉教授M. 肖恩·科普兰.

He also is author of a forthcoming publication from Brill titled 医治受伤的人:分裂世界的神学.


Fr. Uwineza(中心, holding his book) is flanked by 电子游戏软件 alumni Jane and Richard (Dick) Darveau who first encountered Fr. Uwineza在2018年担任圣. 马萨诸塞州斯通汉姆的帕特里克教堂. The couple has stayed in touch with the Jesuit priest and visited with him when he was back on the BC campus in April. (图片来源:Kathleen Sullivan)

Fr. Uwineza graduated from 电子游戏软件 with a licentiate 在系统神学中, 神学硕士, 和Ph值.D. 在系统神学中. 在不列颠哥伦比亚省毕业后,他获得了文学硕士学位.B.A. 来自英国约克圣约翰大学.

现在,他是……的校长(校长) 肯尼亚内罗毕的Hekima大学学院, a Jesuit school of theology and peace studies for more than 350 men and women. He said his goal is to make Hekima “the premier Jesuit institution in the Southern hemisphere.”

在他担任学校领导的第一年,Fr. Uwineza oversaw the conversion of the school’s two campuses to solar power. 阳光充足, 他说, and it made fiscal and ecological sense to replace the expensive and unreliable electricity-based power system. The loan for project is still outstanding, 他说, but more than half has been paid off.

其中一项战略举措是. Uwineza关注的是女性的形成, particularly educating more women in theology and increasing scholarships for women. “在我的大陆上有很多苦难, 但无论人们在哪里受苦, 我们知道女性受的苦最大,他在最近一次采访中说. “妇女承担着家庭的重担, 但如果我们能教育一个女人, 我们可以举起整个村庄.” He has raised funds for women to pursue master’s degrees in peace-building, and is committed to raising even more funds to educate more women.

今年早些时候, Hekima University College organized a conference on African Women 神学家 that featured presentations from women 神学家, 包括电子游戏软件的神学家丽莎·索尔·卡希尔和M. 肖恩·科普兰, to highlight the important role women can have in addressing issues such as poverty, 不平等, 环境危害.

Fr的另一个. Uwineza’s goals is to expand the capacity of Hekima by increasing enrollment, 提供网上课程, 并最终创建一个博士项目. That goal will need to be supported with new infrastructure and the training of professors.

Fr. Uwineza说 he is blessed to have a wonderful faculty and strong team supporting his vision. He added that he is guided by the example of stewardship and strategic leadership he witnessed at 电子游戏软件 under University President William P. 莱希,年代.J. “领导的核心是为他人带来改变。. Uwineza说.

“I am so grateful for the formation I received at 电子游戏软件,” said Fr. Uwineza, adding that he truly found a home in BC’s Jesuit community. “These wonderful Jesuits celebrate your success as theirs at every juncture. 这是一种快乐,给了我一种归属感.”

与Fr连接. Uwineza or to support his ministry, email him at或, 或访问Hekima大学学院网站,