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Pete Frates participated in the “冰桶挑战” to raise awareness for A.L.S. 在马萨诸塞州波士顿的芬威公园进行了一项电子游戏正规平台.2014年8月14日,星期四. (图片来源:BC Athletics)

我在2012年的秋季学期遇到了Pete Frates, 当时我以波士顿大学棒球队新牧师的身份向他们发表演讲. 那是我第一天参加训练, 我还见到了球队的工作人员:教练, 志愿者和一个高个子, 他是个运动健将,别人介绍他叫他“皮特”.”

在我和团队谈话之后,皮特一直跟我说他多么喜欢我的演讲. “你一针见血,”他说了好几次. 随着实践的展开, 我目睹了, 在击球或训练之后, 球员们会来找皮特谈论他们的挥杆或步法. 皮特也给了他们反馈和很多鼓励.

皮特去世的公告 周一,他的人生故事被各地报道 当地新闻媒体 to 《电子游戏正规平台》,到… 英国广播公司ESPN. Rather than rehearse Pete’s biography—you know him as the inspiring young man who helped make the “冰桶挑战” go viral in 2014—I want to present his 生活 through the lens of Ignatian spirituality. 更重要的是, 我认为皮特是受过耶稣会教育的学生运动员的榜样, 耶稣会教育的学生和所有依纳爵灵修的学生.


圣. 伊格那丢就是要进行选举, to find a sense of w在这里 God is calling the retreatant in his or her discernment. 这次选举是一个重大的决定, 一种源于隐退者内心深处的欲望, 那带来神更大荣耀的.

我认为皮特是受过耶稣会教育的学生运动员的榜样, 耶稣会教育的学生和所有依纳爵灵修的学生.

皮特是个欲望强烈的人. 在电子游戏软件,他是一名学生运动员,拥有双学位. 他最热衷的是棒球, 他的技巧, 热情和领导能力使他成为了队长. 毕业的时候,他仍然热爱这项从小就玩的运动. So he left family 和 friends 和 headed to Germany to play baseball in the l和 w在这里 soccer is the king of the sports. It must have taken some serious desire about playing 和 teaching the game, 收拾好一切,前往海外.

当我第一次见到Pete时,他已经得了A了.L.S. 诊断结果,但他只字未提自己的病情. 病情还没有严重恶化. I could notice a subtle slur in his speech, 和 his step seemed a bit off. 那天,皮特简单地自我介绍了一下,告诉我B.C. 和 its baseball program meant to him 和 made sure I felt at home in the program. 皮特不是那种会引人注意的人. 他在那里有一个更深层次的目的:帮助他周围的人.

通过这一切, 以及未来的岁月, 他和球员们分享了他对比赛的热情, 一个接一个. 最重要的是, 他有强烈的教育愿望, 为这个项目服务, to give back to a place that gave him so much 和 to make everyone feel they could reach their full potential. 即使在轮椅上,他也会这样做. When he could not speak anymore, he texted players to give more advice 和 encouragement. 皮特内心深处的愿望是看到别人做最好的自己.

“上帝的荣耀就是充满活力的人性。. 依勒内说. Pete, in his constant attention 和 care for those around him, wanted to bring forth this glory.

“上帝的荣耀就是充满活力的人性。. 依勒内说. Pete, in his constant attention 和 care for those around him, wanted to bring forth this glory.

学习谦卑: 把它留给下一个男人

大学体育项目的口号概括了它们的独特性. The motto of the Boston College baseball program is “Leave it better for the next guy.用耶稣会的话来说,这句话的意思是“为别人做一个人”.B.C. 棒球项目是一所让年轻人学会为别人做男人的学校, 皮特是它的硕士生. 皮特作为学生运动员的职业生涯,作为B队的一员.C. 棒球棍和A.L.S. 倡导者体现了“把更好的留给下一个人”的无私.”

当然, his parents’ example 和 his high school years with the Xaverian Brothers contributed to Pete’s apparently effortless altruism. His time at Boston College propelled him to ever greater heights in the realm of living to make things better for those around him.

这是他一生中最艰难的一天, Pete Frates turned to what was at the core of his being: How can I make this situation into something better for the next A.L.S. 病人?

Yet it is Pete’s post-college career that shows how fully he understood 和 lived the principles that form the core of Jesuit education. 27岁的什么, 刚说他还能活五年, 打电话给他的前教练说他看到了他的诊断结果 一个机会? 就在他得到这个可怕的诊断的那天,皮特召集了他的家人. The meeting’s purpose was to brainstorm ways not only to tackle his illness but to help build a systematic approach to A.L.S. research so future 病人 would be given a fair fight against the disease.

这是他一生中最艰难的一天, Pete Frates turned to what was at the core of his being: How can I make this situation into something better for the next A.L.S. 病人? The essence of this impulse was a spirit formed to be a man for others, to be selfless in humility. This was not just a pipe dream: It was the fuel for a $200 million fundraising campaign for a disease that had been neglected for decades.


他对自己的诊断和疾病的态度, 皮特兑现了他得到机会的要求. He continued to educate for as long as he lived, to make others’ lives better. 他没有让自己的处境阻碍他内心深处的愿望. 这是圣. 伊格那丢称之为“冷漠”.第一次冥想 精神上的练习 叫做"第一原则和基础.“它为整个撤退定下了基调. 在这个冥想中,我们读到:

For this it is necessary to make ourselves indifferent to all created things as much as we are able, 如此......以至于...... 我们不一定要健康而不要疾病富而不贫,荣而不辱, 很长一段比一个短 生活其他的也都是如此 we ultimately desire 和 choose only what is most conducive for us to the end for which God created us (No. 23、重点添加).

皮特了, 年轻的时候, 实现了这种冷漠, 这种健康和疾病之间的完全自由的感觉. 在他与A.L.S. 以及他对所有当前和未来的A.L.S. 病人, he came to take every day as a gift 而 than worry about how long or short the rest of his journey might be.

皮特对学习和运动的热情, his desire to share his gifts 和 talents to make the world better for those around 和 after him model the true humility of Ignatian indifference. Pete’s ever-selfless 和 other-oriented stance in the most unexpected 和 greatest struggle of his 生活 show us the fruits that Jesuit education can yield.

对于我们这些现在或以前的耶稣会学校的学生, 皮特不应该只是遥不可及的灵感. Pete’s 生活 is a modern-day canvas of the 精神上的练习 和 a concrete example of the Ignatian call to “set the world aflame.”

For those skeptical of the role of religion 和 spirituality in our day 和 age, 皮特的旅程应该是一扇窗户,让我们看到上帝的平安与大能, 为世界的改善而辨别和生活.

Rest in peace, Pete, but do not let us rest until we take seriously the lessons you taught us.

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在这集《电子游戏正规平台》中,” veteran Vatican correspondent 杰拉德•奥康奈尔 和 host Colleen Dulle explain the charges against the Vatican’s former nuncio to the U.S.以及他的法外纪律程序接下来会发生什么.
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让我给你按摩疼痛的脚底 乳香和没药